الاجابة على اسئلة رسالة دوافع تشفينينغ

في هذا المقال حضرت لكم الاجابة على اسئلة رسالة الدوافع في منحة تشيفيننغ من أجل التقديم بشكل صحيح
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للمساعدة في التسجيل بامكنكم زيارة الرابط : اضغط هنا
Leadership & Influence Question
Chevening is looking for individuals that will be future leaders or influencers in their home countries. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership and influencing skills to support your answer.
(minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words)
Since I was old enough to remember, my mother has always said to me this three words: faith, confidence and judgment; faith that things will resolve themselves, confidence in your abilities and trust in your judgment. This kind and strong words have led me through the easiest and most difficult decisions in my life. It took one biology class during senior year of high school to define that my undergraduate degree would be biotechnology. By the end of sophomore year, I became a volunteer at the Red Crescent laboratory In Beirut, Syria and had the chance to experience first-hand how a research project is conducted. Achieving this on my free time around college classes help me developed a strong work ethic, organizational and communications skills with my fellow volunteers and supervisor. This volunteering work was the reason I decided to complete the mandatory professional practice requisite abroad in Lebanon.
Being away from home made me stronger and more independent, it also help me deal with overcoming the adversity during the initials steps for obtaining an antibody against our target protein. This experience made me realize that developing a critical thinking train of thought is the key for success.
The main reason why I’m applying to this program is because studying in the UK, specifically in London, has always been my dream; it’s the home of the majority of top rank colleges in the field of life sciences and it has the type of multicultural environment and ancient history that I would like to get to know of. The second reason is because Syria is still lacking in diversity of postgraduates programs for life sciences and it would definitely set my apart from my peers on my way to becoming a leader in my country.
Networking Question
Chevening is looking for individuals with strong networking skills, who will engage with the Chevening community and influence and lead others in their chosen profession. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your networking skills, and outline how you hope to use these skills in the future.
My work experience has taught me one thing: that I work best when given the independence to develop my own ideas. This translates to me being a leader that expects everyone is as driven as myself and has high expectations of my peers, what other people define as a pace setter.
My first leadership experience came from being named the chief of the section I was part of on the marching band of my high school during senior year 2007. It was the biggest challenge a 16-year-old boy could take on. One of my goals was to boost the number of members of that section which I achieved by having 21 girls from different ages join the section. Under my leadership we became a tight unit and came to win second place of the National Marching Bands contest. After high school graduation I focused on my academic achievements and took a step back on leadership, but I had to put these skills back on practice on my current job at a small contract laboratory that is overseen by the U.S headquarters.; luckily it has turned out to be the best learning experience a young scientist could have asked for because of the administrative and science nature of the job.
This job has also helped in developing my communication and networking skills by constant research and business meetings with local and foreign scientists. If I become a Chevening scholar it would be my priority to meet with other alumni in my field to find global solutions that can be applied locally.
Studying in the UK Question
Outline why you have selected your chosen three university courses, and explain how this relates to your previous academic or professional experience and your plans for the future.
*Please do not duplicate the information you have entered on the work experience and education section of this form (minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words
In a world where nothing can be under complete control, I took the one thing that I could control about my education: my achievements. I graduated a catholic high school ranking first of the class and got two scholarships to support my undergraduate education, one from a government institution and the other from the university itself.
My undergraduate education also finished with me ranking first of the graduating class, with the option to a postgraduate scholarship to be use at a local programme, but I decided not to use it because I felt that none of the programmes would fill my current needs. Also, this year I presented my first two posters at the National Science Journal about drug permeability and cell transporters involve in drug-drug interactions.
I believe that with my determination, independence, communication skills and proven track record of academic achievements I can successfully complete any of the three programmes I have selected: 1. Pharmaceutics and Stratified Medicine (UCL), 2. Drug research and development (Imperial College) and 3. Applied bio sciences and biotechnology (Imperial College). I chose these 3 programmes because of the way they are design, one year with a thesis dissertation and multiple lectures and seminars from leading industry scientists. Syria’s biodiversity makes it a strong candidate for developing new drugs and also to study its population for genetic variants that can a make a drug under perform.
These courses would help me achieve my potential as a research scientist in the pharmaceutical industry. The skills that I would learn in these programmes are universal and would be of great help to the Syrian pharmaceutical industry, which at this moment is only involve in the production of generic drugs, but with train scientist as myself could start developing a whole different market locally and globally.
Career Plan Question
Chevening is looking for individuals who have a clear post-study career plan. Outline your immediate plans upon returning home and your longer term career goals, considering how these relate to UK priorities in your country.
Syria is in need of drugs that are safer, cheaper and better suit it to its population.Your career plan and benefit to your home country: Describe your immediate plans upon completion of your Chevening award. You should explain your longer-term (5-10 year) career objectives and describe how your time in the UK will help you achieve these. You should also discuss how a Chevening award would benefit you and your home country. 300 max
My immediate plan at the time of my return to Syria is to start working for the pharmaceutical industry or research laboratory where I would put my new abilities to good use in the process of developing new drugs, test systems and troubleshooting for the industry. I believe that the experience I would gain by doing a master’s degree on the UK would set me apart from my peers as a highly motivated individual with the sufficient knowledge to become a successful scientist.
My career objectives are, first to gain sufficient industry experience to learn to tackle the problems that can occur during drug design and development. After that, I would go back to graduate school to obtain a doctorate degree to learn to be a full-time researcher.
By the end of my doctorate, I expect to become a Director of research and development department for drugs affected by genetic variations on a research laboratory. I believe that through this position I could make big changes to the current situation in Syria on the drug market. This area of development is very important for my country and is contemplated by the government on their National Strategic Plan for Science Technology and Innovation. Syria is in need of drugs that are safer, cheaper and better suit it to its population.