رسالة دوافع ماجستير الإدارة العامة .. نقدم لكم في هذا الموضوع نموذج على خطاب التحفيز / رسالة دافع لبرنامج درجة الماجستير في الإدارة العامة Public Administration.
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نموذج خطاب دافع لدرجة ماجستير العلوم في الإدارة العامة
Dear Madam, Sir,
I hereby wish to state my interest for a place in your Master of Science programme in Public Administration.
After graduation from high school in June 2002, I started studying at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo in September the same year. I graduated in 2008, major: Public Administration and Governance. Just several days after my graduation, I enrolled myself on Master programme in European Studies at the University of Zagreb, and I expect to finish my studies in September.
During my studies at bachelor level I have developed special interest for public sector, as inefficient public sector, inappropriate public administration and regulation in my country is one of the main obstacles for future EU integration, but not just that. Too extensive bureaucracy at all levels interfere with the normal functioning of economic activities. In order to join EU, and to create healthy and stimulating environment for enterprises, Bosnia has to make big reforms in public administration, regulation and in laws.
Regarding all the reasons mentioned above, I would like to take an active role in my country’s transformation process. Because of that I wanted to enrol myself on Master programme in Public Administration, but in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the time when I have graduated, there wasn’t any good MPA programme. So, I have decided to take some time in order to find good master course, and so I came to Your University.
As I wrote on the beginning of this letter, I currently attend Master course in European Studies. On this programme I have learned very comprehensive facts about EU institutions, common policies and accession processes. The most interesting subject was European Law, in which we learned about the historical background of the European Union, the European Institutions and their functioning and about European legislative procedure and material European law, which I found very important. Knowledge I have gained through this master course could be very valuable for my future performance on Master programme I am applying at Your University, and I would like to expand my knowledge base on this subject, and certainly to do that is best on some EU University.
You can see in my enclosed curriculum vitae that I am an activist in two NGOs. In Citizen’s Action NGO in Tuzla, Bosnia I have worked on several projects where I was able to apply my knowledge of the functioning of the European Institutions and to broaden my knowledge about the regional policy of the European Union, particularly about the Structural Funds, ERDF, and IPA funds which are very important source of funding for EU candidate and neighbouring countries. My duties during the time of project preparation and implementation included the gathering of information relevant to local organizations and providing it to the cantonal authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to local community. This work was exciting and challenging, as my duties and responsibilities were quite unfamiliar to my colleagues and I was in charge for the most of duties regarding mentioned projects. The knowledge gained during my studies and through work on projects I have just mentioned showed me the deep impact of the European level on every aspect of daily life and confirmed my intention of working professionally in the public sector or public administration in the future.
Currently I’m writing the project concerning e-government and administrative reform in my country and I would like to write my Master thesis on the topic closely related to mentioned subject. E-government is a novel concept of administration that has been accepted in many, especially well-developed countries. Along with the development of communication technology and the enlargement of state functions and responsibilities of those who work within it, e-government became the condition without which a democratic, transparent, efficient and socially acceptable society cannot be achieved. Because of that I think that e – government is adequate instrument for achieving the standards of good governance and best practices in rendering public services to citizens. As the Bosnia is on the road of introducing e-government in its public administration I would like to gather good practices from EU countries, and present them in my home country when I came back home after my graduation.
As it is my future goal to work in the public sector / administration or in NGO sector, I am keenly interested in acquiring more theoretical knowledge and practical skills in this area. I am convinced that the Master of Science course in Public Administration at University of Twente corresponds well with my future plans and with my qualifications acquired during previous lectures, seminars and work experiences.
After I went through the course structure of your MSc and read carefully the overview and the objectives of every single course, I was sure that this programme perfectly matches with my interests. First of all I can complete my theoretical knowledge about various European-related topics and practice my language skills of English. Also, there is a growing need for trained and experienced professionals in public administration and Your University has a very good reputation in this field.
Bearing in mind what, on the one hand, my interests, prospects and qualifications are, and what, on the other hand your postgraduate study programme offers, I am very enthusiastic and eager to undertake this challenge.
Thank you very much for considering my request, I am looking forward to hearing from You.
Yours sincerely,