رسالة دوافع: هندسة معلوماتية وعلوم حاسوب

نموذج رسالة دوافع : هندسة معلوماتية وعلوم حاسوب
نموذج رسالة تحفيز : هندسة معلوماتية وعلوم حاسوب
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نموذج #1
Most users see a computer at the front and use the graphical user interfaces. The first time I used a computer, it intrigued me to know how these interfaces work, the theory behind computers and the methodology of how they work. I am a keen to further my Computer Science knowledge.
Studying Computing, ICT and Maths at A-Level has increased my desire to want to know more about this subject.
Furthermore I believe that my two week work experience placement, based in IT support at ARM Holdings, gave me a great insight into how an international Computing business works and confirmed that I wanted to go into computing.
I am familiar with Python, which I have learnt to use for programming and have learnt about the theory behind Stored Program Concept, Fetch-Execute Cycle and also the Internet along with the legal aspects behind Computing.
I have advanced my programing skills using PyQt to develop my own user interfaces and further programming techniques including Object and Event orientated programming.
With this knowledge I feel that my problem solving has developed culminating in my project, which I am currently in the process of completing. I am enjoying the experience of the project, not only with the programming but the process of the project – from the analysis to the testing.
I feel to study Computer Science you would need to be more scientific in your thinking as arguments need supporting evidence before they are proved.
To be a successful student you need to be organised, able to communicate and capable of independent research as an individual to expand your knowledge.
In using my computing A-Level skills, I have gained a significant level of knowledge of how computers work; the theory behind them and also why we need computer scientists in the world of work. It is important to be able to analyse problems and work out solutions, as well as to program the solutions and ensure that if there is a gap in the market you develop these ideas.
Computer scientists’ work ensures that current computing programs and processes are maintained and updated if appropriate.
I am always searching for programs or websites to help me with my studies and programs, such as using GitHub as a version control system for my project.
I am currently Chair of the Student Committee at Long Road Sixth Form College; I was elected by the committee to sit on the Board of Governors for the College to represent student views, values and opinions.
I also oversee and plan the entertainments and charitable events, which has given me the opportunity to develop my teamwork and people skills.
I am committed to the charity BeatBullying; which involves taking on the responsibility of Young and Media Ambassador. I also am a mentor for both BeatBullying and its sister charity MindFull helping young people suffering from bullying and mental health issues. This has helped me understand complex personal issues and to further enhance my communication skills.
Since July 2013, I have worked part-time at both Cambridge University Hospitals as a Customer Service Administrator, which has strengthened me as an individual and I had the responsibility of helping others to ensure patient safety and confidentiality.
At Linton Village College I was awarded the Enterprise Honour for being the Manager of the Technical Team and a Student Leader of the Library, which involved organising the day to day running of the Library.
At the same time I was nominated for the Business Studies Linton Honour.
The projects will enable me to draw on all my previous knowledge and experience to enhance at university and further it independently to create a substantial finished product for an external client. I am looking forward to the excitement and challenge that studying science will bring at a higher level.
My future aspirations are to leave the university to enter into the world of work to pursue a career in Computer Science and ultimately, to start my own business in Computer Science.
نموذج #2
Logical problem solving has always appealed to me and this explains my interests in mathematics, programming and computing in general. The decision to read computer science was therefore a simple one.
My desire for solving challenging problems led to my choices of studying mathematics and physics at AS-level. These have been my favourite subjects for the past year and I hope that what I continue to learn will help me to succeed at university. In year eleven I was awarded the school’s prizes for ICT and English Language & Literature. I have carried both of these subjects on to A-level and finished ICT a year early. I feel that these subjects have helped to improve my general academic skills.
In year ten, I undertook work experience with [****] who provide technical support for the IT systems of [****]. This experience of the IT industry proved useful in reaffirming my decision to study computer science at a higher level.
I was elected ICT Director of the school’s Young Enterprise company, a role which I thoroughly enjoyed and which has drastically improved both my communication and business skills. The website and email communication system that I designed helped us to make a profit of £600 and reach the regional finals.
Teaching myself HTML and PHP has enabled me to create several websites. For example, in 2002, I designed, programmed and sold the browser-based multiplayer role-playing game [****]. I have also designed a relational database for a boarding cattery that stores information about customers, their cats and any bookings that they make. I have built my own computer and run a web hosting hobby business for three years. This practical experience has given me some technical abilities which will undoubtedly be helpful at university.
My part time job at a local petrol station has provided valuable experience of the workplace and taught me how to work effectively as a member of a team. It has also made me organise my studies and private time more efficiently.
Music is important to me and I frequently organise trips (including tickets, travel and accommodation) for parties of up to ten to gigs and festivals both in the UK and abroad. For example, I have organised a journey for eight people to 2005’s Wacken Open Air Festival in Germany. My interest in music has also prompted me to start learning the bass guitar.
I enjoy reading about scientific and technological developments on the Internet and in newspapers and magazines – I find the New Scientist magazine particularly interesting and I have learnt a lot through my subscription to it.
At university, I hope to deepen and expand my knowledge of computing into areas which I have no formal experience of studying. For example, I am eager to learn about artificial intelligence and the mathematical foundations of computing. A computer science degree will provide me with a broad range of exciting career opportunities and I am particularly interested in using the skills gained at university in either research or industry.
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