نماذج رسالة الدوافع

رسالة دوافع: فيزياء

نموذج رسالة دوافع :  اختصاص فيزياء

نموذج رسالة تحفيز : اختصاص فيزياء

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Physics is something that interested me very much; from when I was young my dream was to become a scientist. I want to study astrophysics/particle physics because it works as a tool to explain The Universe around us. I believe that this course is the one that fits me best. After I study physics, I want to do research in the field of astrophysics or particle physics.

I really enjoy exploring the world through physics. At my home basement I have made a small lab where I’ve done several experiments. The double slit experiment, the Heisenberg effect, the deflection of an electron beam trough an electromagnetic field are some of the experiments I have constructed and investigated. This experimentation has leaded me to a better understanding of the school physics and how we can understand physical phenomena trough experimentation. I also read further into the physical principals that we learn in school and I’ve been inspired a lot by physicists Michio Kaku and Steven Hawking. I try to experiment with anything that gets into my hands. I believe I have the skills for a course in physics as I am very curious and analytical.

Last summer I went to CERN in Geneva where I visited the CMS detector and AMS detector’s main offices. I also attended a seminar on how the LHC works and what makes it so unique. Also I went to the annual trip of Greek amateur astronomers in Kastoria where for 3 days I attended many seminars done by famous Greek physicists and also observed the night sky with my own telescope. Besides experimental sciences, in school I do also a business and management course. This course had given me the skill of problem solving.

Also the IB diploma has given me the opportunity to do many experiments in both physics and chemistry and also pushed me to do my own research in the field of mathematics. I believe that my curiosity in combination with my analytical skills give me a big advantage in this field.

Beside school I do many extra-curricular activities. For 5 years now I play classical and electric guitar. I have also been part of many bands. Music is another field that interests me a lot. I have recorded my own songs in my own recording studio and upload them in the internet. They can be found here: http://www.reverbnation.com/yiannis. (I also use the recording studio to do a internet radio show once in a while in this webpage: www.cloud-radio.com.) I have constructed the whole webpage.

I would like to continue a radio show in university. Doing this had made me a lot more communicative with other people. I also have a Youtube channel where I upload many of the experiments I do and I try to explain the physics principles, not only for others to understand them, but by breaking the physics down I can also get a better understanding about them. I am also interested in track running. I am very good in small distances and I have been qualified for the national competition.

Track and field training made me more dedicated to what I do as a person in my life. Track running is something I want to continue to do in university also. Besides this, I was the head of computer staff in the CGSMUN this year. This was the second time I participated in the conference, the first time I was a security staff and this year I got “promoted”. This experience gave me the opportunity to be a leader, which I managed to do very well.

Finally, I believe that I am a well rounded student but at the same time I have a great interest and curiosity at the subject of physics. My analytical skills can break down any theories of physics until I understand every aspect of them. Also my interests beside physics will help me adapt in the university My leadership skills can help a lot to any university project.



بإمكانك مشاهدة المزيد من النماذج : المزيد من النماذج

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